
Pastry Passion
Pastry Passion

Just know that you may have to tweak the amount of pectin and/or citric acid to get the perfect set and balance. Having said that, I know of some folks who have used homemade puree with good results. Yes, you can, although if you do, I cannot guarantee that you will get perfect results with this particular formula since it is optimized for use with Boiron puree. I’ve gotten some lovely burns from exuberantly burbling pre-pate-de-fruits, so if you’re going to make some, be careful and be prepared for it to take quite a while–maybe up to 45 minutes to an hour of stirring. There is a lot of stirring and cooking of thick, viscous, bubbling molten fruit and sugar.

Pastry Passion

While it’s not hard to make these little candies, it’s not really easy, either. But first, to address some possible issues before they come up: How Hard is it to Make Pate de Fruits? NOTE: Right click on the image below and choose “Open in a new tab.” I have one of these formula sheets at my disposal, and I am going to share it with you now. Professional pastry chefs have access to formulas that are specifically formulated for each type of fruit puree a particular manufacturer sells. Since most fruit already contains pectin at different concentrations, the amount you must add differs for most types of fruit. The trick is in knowing the perfect amount of pectin to use for each kind of fruit. The basic pate de fruit recipe is pretty straightforward. Gems indeed! Photo credit, Pascal Rey, CC License Pate de fruits have a perfectly balanced sweetness and an intense fruitiness that is not at all gummy. The magic of making pate de fruits is making sure you have just the right amount of thickening power, in the form of pectin, to let them set up into slick, slice-able jewel-toned tiles of fruit flavor without overdoing it and ending up with something boingy. Stick with me, and when you make perfect “fruit paste”, you’ll be rewarded with simply beautiful What to expect when you’re heating the puree.How to add the pectin so your guy stay nice and smooth.The correct proportions of puree, sugar, glucose, citric acid and pectin.Here are some of the points to keep in mind and what I will teach you: They have a short list of ingredients, but the way you mix them together can have a big impact on your finished candies.

Pastry Passion

While pate de fruits are not hard to make, there are some tricks to being successful with them.

Pastry Passion

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Pastry Passion