
Microsoft Excel 2016 15.31 download free
Microsoft Excel 2016 15.31 download free

start at the beginning after reaching the last year in the data You can also choose whether you want the animation to loop with the checkbox, i.e. With the play buttons at top right you can start and stop the animation, move forward or backwards, go to the first or last year.The rectangles above the chart visualize the time line and the current year and let you select one specific year by simply clicking on any given rectangle.The bubbles are color coded by continent and the selected 3 countries to be highlighted (see below) The size of the bubbles represent the population of the countries. Hans Rosling, it visualizes fertility rate in children per woman on the horizontal axis, life expectancy in years on the vertical axis and the countries as bubbles. The heart of the dashboard is the Bubble chart on the left side.

Microsoft Excel 2016 15.31 download free

So here are a few hints what you can do with this dashboard:

Microsoft Excel 2016 15.31 download free

Well, if I would be sure my visualization and the interactive features would be fully self-explanatory, I shouldn’t need this section. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.” I recently read this great quote by user interface is like a joke.

Microsoft Excel 2016 15.31 download free